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@info1403 have you tried using the Monitoring and Backup History page to find and troubleshoot computers with backup issues
of course I do this every day and for every computer that shows the status as orange or red.
But that's not my main business. I really just want to see at a glance whether the computer is safe or not. And if it's not 100% safe, until what day is it safe.
If a customer might have switched off their laptop in the morning and missed their backup appointment, their status is just as orange as a customer whose backup hasn't been fully completed in a month.
Here it would be easier if the status shows up to what point the computer is safe.
It might also help if the status colors are clearer. If a new computer gets a backup plan and hasn't uploaded a backup for weeks, it must be red instead of orange. Orange should be more clearly defined, e.g. "There is a guaranteed backup with less warnings (individual files) that do not affect the basic functionality of the restore".
All this is unreadable in the dashboard, which takes a lot of time for analysis.
I previously used a different provider for backups. They certainly had other weaknesses as well. But I could see at a glance whether a working backup existed for the customer or not.
@info1403 Thanks for the clarification. The team is working towards enhancements for backup monitoring. I will include your feedback!