Request a feature
This is something that I desperately need. My backup plans are becoming quite unmanagable. There are hundreds of little details that affect many individual endpoints.
What I'd like to see is a policy based approach to standard backup plans that can be incorporated into the Backup Templates. Policies should exist globally, at the company level, and at the endpoint level.
For all workstations, I want to have a backup plan that backs up the "%UserProfile%" path, and excludes "%UserProfile%\AppData" (among other exclusions).
Then for Company A, I want to also include "%SystemDrive%\SomePath" and "%ProgramData%\CompanyA" (please add more environment variables) and exclude "%UserProfile%\SomePath"
Now when I set this up using the Backup Templates, the backup plan is assembled down through the policy hierarchy before being delivered to the endpoint. All included and excluded paths are evaluated and added to the plan once it is delivered to the endpoint. But modifications can happen at the policy level and be automatically pushed down to the endpoints.
This means I can have global standards, company standards, and individual endpoint customizations - all from a policy based approach. It will reduce the number of total backup plans, reduce the amount of cloud storage, and remove the need for blocking reapplication of Backup Templates.
I'd also like to have some way of filtering how Backup Templates are targeted. For instance, I might want to have a template for all Windows Servers, a template for all Windows Domain Controllers, a template for all non-server Windows endpoints with "Application A" installed, etc. By filtering the application of Backup Templates, this reduces the number of templates that I need to create and maintain.
Using these suggestions, the backup product can be extremely powerful and really reduce the burden of maintaining it. I'd be happy to discuss this further with someone.