Request a feature
My request was to receive a notification when a backup plan did not start as planned because the machine was offline.
I know that the notification cannot start from the endpoint because it is turned off at certain times (we are talking about a PC, not a server that is on 24 hours a day), but having it arrive from your cloud console that, now, allows you to fully manage all the various jobs... or when the endpoint is turned on for the first time... seems feasible to me.
The main problem is that it is a backup of a network share of a very delicate production machine that, when a backup is done, blocks the machine causing damages of thousands of euros and unfortunately the supplier of the machine is not able to solve the problem.
Consequently, we do the backup once a week at a time when the machine is turned on and not in use to be able to do the backup safely without blocking production.
It happens that the customer turns off the PC when the backup is to start and no one notices it because of the lack of notification.
It seems quite strange to me that your software that allows you to manage a lot of things from the online console does not allow you to send a notification for a backup that has not started.
The risk is that if this backup is skipped for weeks and months, the day you need to do a recovery you discover that it has never started and no one has come to know about it in time.