Need to change RMM app starting initialization behavior

RMM app starting initialization behavior have to change in order to reach to the target machine quickly to perform maintenance operation surely. Currently, we need some time to reach and manage the target machine via RMM from after booting/resuming the machine. In case of sometime, it will be waited up to few minutes. I guess that RMM will become accessible to available after collecting necessary machine (OS) data to the machine via RMM. However the collected data will be not needing always. - Sometime we need to reboot the machine right now. - Sometime we need to perform scripts right now. - Sometime we need to perform something.. So, RMM have to become available to be accessible from the console quickly as much as possible. - Anyway, after staring | resuming RMM in the machine and then after handshecking with the console, RMM need to change to become accessible to performing command functionality at least.