Backup History Page Update

Our Backup History page is one of the most popular among our customers for backup monitoring and troubleshooting. As part of the MSP360 Management Console 6.5.1 update, we're pleased to introduce some improvements to this page. * Firstly, we have added new Backup Plan statuses to the previously available Success, Warning, and Failed statuses. These new statuses include Scheduled, Running, Missed Run, and Deleted, which will provide better context to identify issues that need attention. ![plans_statuses.png](BASE/products/956021337/changelog/18571/inline-27572df7127a77afe806251cbdd176f4.jpg) * Secondly, we have added a Last Backup Plan result to quickly spot backup plans that had issues but were fixed in the following run. You can find the last backup plan result by looking at the color of the backup plan icon in the first column. Additionally, the Issues Only filter on the Backup History page will help you see only the backup plans with problems. ![Last_result.png](BASE/products/956021337/changelog/18571/inline-b08fbc561dcd9dbfb84e27ea84e49db3.jpg) * Finally, we have improved the listing of backup plans. Previously, the Backup History page only displayed backup plans that had run in a given month, which made it difficult to identify a backup plan that didn't run for some reason. With the update, all backup plans are now listed, even if they were deleted. Deleted plans are marked with a special status icon. All new updates will be applied to the backup plans starting from April. Check it on the [Backup History Page].(